The Gratitude Challenge…


As beings of energy, we create and control the energy around us. Some people call it your aura, others refer to it as your essence. We are constantly shaping the energy around us through the energy that we emit.

One critical factor that helps determine whether your environment is peaceful or chaotic is the attitude that you have towards your life. A person full of complaints usually have a lot to complain about. But, a person filled with gratitude seems to have blessings flowing in abundance. The power of words begins long before an event arises that you want a favorable out come. We determine our lives by the habits of our conversations.

I can’t say with certainty that people who have a habit of gratitude created all of their blessings with positive thinking and speaking, but I do believe that because they have a habit of gratitude, they are equipped with the super power to turn lemons into lemonades. Maybe they don’t have a charmed life, rather they accept challenges as an opportunity to grow.

I am going on a gratitude challenge. For the next 30 days, I will replace my complaints with gratitude. Instead of lamenting on the fact that it’s cold, I will rejoice that I have heat.

If you are ready to elevate your life, I challenge you to look at your conversation habits. How much of your conversation is devoted to complaining? Do you sound like a person that is genuinely happy about life?

Remember: Change your words, change your life.

One thought on “The Gratitude Challenge…

  1. This is quite timely. I am going to embark on this journey with you. I love your style of writing. You are so insightful!

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